Erasmus+ KA1
Job-Shadowing presso la Nelson Mandela Realschule di Dierdorf, Germania.
Due docenti (Lingua Inglese e Matematica/Scienze)
4-10 settembre 2019
Programma dettagliato della mobilità:
Wednesday: Get orientated in Dierdorf. Welcome meeting. Job shadowing Introduction.
Presentations of teachers and collecting expectations.
Thursday: Job shadowing in classes. Tips and Tricks with iPads
Friday: Job shadowing in classes. Technology to enhance STEM and ESL education
Saturday: Field project. Sharing the learning and Report on eTwinning group
Monday: Job Shadowing in classes. Our next step with iPads (Learning Apps crash course)
Tuesday: Job Shadowing in classes. Looking back and thinking ahead.
Job Shadowing evaluation. Sharing results on eTwining group
Using Technology as a learning tool
Teaching in an active learning classroom
Orario Settimanale